Want to subtitle? Let people know!

Hello! I’ve been wanting to cooperate subtitling from English to Spanish, so if I can be any help here I am!

Hi I want to write subs , i can write from english to spanish

Hey! I can speak French, English and Portuguese fluently in case you need any help :slight_smile:

Hello, I can subtitle from english to spanish<3

you can help me segment Dance Academy and subtitle in both English and Chinese
PM me if interested

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you can do French subtitles for Dance Academy,
Favorite the channel for updates when episodes are ready for you

I can subtitle korean to spanish. So please contact me!

I can use someone to sub from English to Korean, for Dance Academy
favorite and Pm me if interested.

I can use the help with Dance Academy, you would be subbing English to German

I could use you to sub Dance Academy,
Favorite and PM me if interested,

I will, thanks Shae

I’m working on Naked Kitchen, right now… English to Tagalog… I’m looking forward to do more!

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Jump in when you’re ready. favorite Dance Academy for updates as to which episodes would be ready for other languages

I can help sub from English to French and also segment!
Please PM me! :slight_smile:

there is a new mini korean drama coming soon do you want to be part of the team? the name is After School Bokbulbok" there’s no channel yet but we if you want let me know. I also need a English to Spanish subber For the australian drama “Dance Academy” the drama is very interesting let me know if you want please send me PM.

Hi, there is a subber opening for the australian drama “Dance academy” is very interesting, if you want to be part of the team please let me know and send me a PM

Alex, I’m recruiting subbing members for the australian Drama “Dance Academy” if you are interested in being part of the team let me know! send me a PM thanks!

We have openings for subbers for the drama Dance Academy. Just go to the page and favorite the drama to get updates. Send me a PM if interested!

I want to subtitle from English to Mandarin or vice versa. Any projects anyone can think of?

There are openings for the drama ‘Dance Academy’. Please PM me if you are interested. :slight_smile:

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