Want to subtitle? Let people know!

I also want to help with subs from english to spanish please send me info. where to go to start again! :slight_smile:

Hello, I would like to help! I can subtitle from english to italian…fell free to contact me if you need!

I’d love to help! I can translate from english to portuguese or even help revising the subtitles.

Cara Anna, ho dato un’occhiata al tuo profilo ed ho visto che due mesi fa hai fatto 40 sottotitoli nella serie “New World” senza però essere parte del team. Questo non si fa. Bisogna chiedere alla moderatrice italiana, e se non c’è, alla Channel Manager, di essere inserita nel team. Sennò, se qualcuno se ne accorge, ti manderà un messaggio con due paroline poco piacevoli.
Non ti preoccupare però, è un errore che fanno quasi tutti i nuovi - anch’io l’ho fatto, a suo tempo!
In questo caso moderatrice italiana non c’è. Quindi puoi scrivere alla
All Languages Moderator https://www.viki.com/messages/new?username=singndance4life
Channel Manager: https://www.viki.com/messages/new?username=szandra

Questo vale anche per altri progetti che magari ti interessano. Vai alla prima pagina e guardi la cover page, dove ci sono tutti i nomi dei moderatori delle varie lingue. Trovi quello della moderatrice italiana, lo selezioni e poi fai il link come ti ho messo sopra, cambiando il nome alla fine.
Oppure visiti la sua pagina, che avrĂ  come link questo: http://www.viki.com/users/xxxxx
(invece di xxxxx metti il nome utente). E sulla sua pagina, in alto a sinistra, sotto il suo nome, c’è una bustina. Clicchi quella per mandare un messaggio privato.
Sta’ attenta a scegliere serie a cui puoi accedere (cioè che siano disponibili per la tua regione geografica e che abbiano bisogno di vikipass). Controlla prima di chiedere di entrare nel team.

In bocca al lupo!


Looking for Editing/English Moderator positions. I am a professional publishing editor, currently on hiatus. I have Viki experience as a moderator, subber, channel manager and have participated in the segmenting courses. I would love to dive deep into making subs easier to understand, correcting grammar, etc., so our hard working translating subbers can get more done. I am fluent in French with advanced intermediate Spanish, some Korean and a little Mandarin.

Have a Cdrama? You had me at C.

Many thanks!

suggestion: message @kobolt - could be they can use French editing on some dramas perhaps?

May fortune attend your return. :slight_smile:

GeNie of the Lamp


I may have a project for you. Pm me for details

Hello, I would like to help with subtitles from English to Dutch. Feel free to contact me if you need!

i might be in the wrong area for this but id like to help out some how but i only know english any ideas on how i can begin to contribute

You can contribute by captioning.
That is, writing English subtitles in English-speaking videos, where there are none, by listening to the audio. This is very useful to deaf people.
Or writing English subtitles in foreign videos which have hardsubs. Why is this necessary? Because without that, the Other Language teams cannot make their own subs.
There are a number of older dramas with hardsubs which need captioning.

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ok could u point me in the direction to go for those hard subs i wouldn’t mind trying my hand at that

Hello, I would like to help i can subtitle from english to polish

@serenite78 I think perhaps this person may be of use - possibly in several projects now going in Polish? :slight_smile:



Possibly a transcriber for you or Walter_casa? You do seem to be keeping the list of things that need such work. :slight_smile:

Hi !
I want to help with subtitles ^^
I can sub from english to french :slight_smile:

@louiisa : Bonjour, j’ai des dramas chinois en recherche de traducteurs, si tu es intéressée, tu peux me contacter.

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Hi I would like to help, I can subtitle from english to italian

Hello, I am really interested to sub from English to French

Bonsoir je peux traduire de Anglais à Français !

I speak fluent English and Korean. Am open to new projects.

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Hi, thank you for wanting to be part of Rviki’s volunteers. It will help if you can add the link to your page so those interest in your language skill can contact you directly. I added you in my new topic bc I feel this page needs to be updated and messages from as far as 2013.14/15 and 16 and half of 2017 should be deleted so we can see the new message like yours faster.