Want to subtitle? Let people know!

@somejuwels, @teufelchen_netty_266, @azrael_tm86v you may want to contact Thalia:


Hello, I am looking for new projects and my timetable allow me a lot of free time so could you please recomand projects ? I can subtitle from English to French. Thank you :blush:

@hawa_diouf Tu peux aller ici voir si l’un des dramas t’intĂ©resse, sinon tu peux regarder dans les dramas Ă  l’antenne s’il y a besoin d’aide : https://discussions.viki.com/t/a-la-recherche-de-volontaires-ou-dun-projet-check-this-out-v/18497


Hello, I can help sub from English to Spanish.

Hello, I would like to sub from English to Portuguese :wink:

If somebody is looking for eng-polish subber I can help :slight_smile:

If anyone needs help I can translate from English to Portuguese

Hi everyone! I will like to help, i can subtitle from English to Romanian. If you need help , please let me know :smile:

hello, i would like to help with the subtitls! I can sub from english to german.

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Hi , i would like to help
I can translate from English to Portuguese :slight_smile:

I sent you a p.m

Hi, i can translate from english to french ~ :smile: I have a lot of free time ^^

@umm_jawad Bonjour ! Tu trouveras peut-ĂȘtre ton bonheur ici ^.^ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_j0dyJDbQ7_JVIJX_IZmf6sXiCUH21suhA7ru4fgqY4/edit#gid=0


Hello. I’m interested in joining the team. I can be a timer. ^^ I can time any language to english :slight_smile:
I joined a subbing team before but the website is no longer exist.

 You subbed into English, you say?

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Well, all I’m saying be careful who says here they want to sub. I had a bad experience with a girl who said she knew Korean and English and she made a mess in the translations she made for my video.

The worst part is they change their name and get new profiles once you report them.

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Well, that’s why usually new people are tested on a small part, and someone knowledgeable is called to give an opinion if it’s a language the CM doesn’t know. It’s ok, I also went through this when I started. They gave me a part to do and then accepted me.

This person is asking to be a timer, so I assume she wants to segment, not to subtitle. But there is no dedicated thread for those seeking to segment.

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I need help for medical brothers. https://www.viki.com/tv/29490c-medical-brothers?q=medi
If you are interested in helping send me a message.

My comment is about another person somewhere here in discussion who also wrote that can ‘‘translate’’ (won’t mention the language but is not korean), and I had to get someone else to edit the subtitles bc they were a total mess. The person has the contribution count anyway and nicely edited subtitles in the profile page if we go to this person’s page we will see the edited subs and not the mess the person did.

I believe everyone deserves a chance and I’m the biggest advocate of that. But lately in spanish everyone use a goggle translator and declare themselves the best translators of the language. I myself have to edit hours and hours of this mess, while the contribution count stays in their page.

I like honesty above all and a person doesn’t have to be perfectly proficient in a language to do subtitles. I understand that part. But for someone to get contribution count for terribly done subs that have to be edited completely (80% of the subtitles) I think is so, so unfair.

I love helping out, explaining what they did wrong, and giving them links so they can improve, but it goes --’‘on one ear and out the other’’ sort of speak. That’s when I get upset bc it affects the quality of work in the drama, movie or documentary I work in.

I have to add that I no longer report them, I just remove them from my project. Very nicely, I explain and provide in a PM all the lines of mistakes they made episode after episode. I usually give two chances (2 episodes) on the third one, they are out. If they are really bad, I won’t wait too long either. Is not worth it.
I rather do the subtitles than try to fix a mess that most of the time has no hope whatsoever.

The same goes when I do subtitles in Spanish, if the English translation is poor I excuse myself from the project bc I know my subtitles in Spanish no matter how hard I try, will sound like cr*p. QUALITY has always been my priority, not perfection but some level of decency in my subtitles for the viewers.If I can’t fix it i know is not worth staying there.

This is a message from a moderator where is obvious the subbers were using some form of translator and were giving terrible subtitles

  1. Si usan un traductor mĂ­nimo lean lo que ponen, muchas veces no tiene sentido.
    2)Si dos personas se tratan de usted, no pueden cambiar el trato en otro segmento al ser las mismas personas que hablan

1)"If you use translators the least you can do read what you’re putting, many times it makes no sense.
2) if two people are formal you can’t change to informal in the next segment.’’

I remember a comment in Spanish where the girl added: What kind of spanish is this, that I can’t understand? It turns out a Portuguese person was doing Spanish subtitles. That was a real mess.lol

I wholly agree with the rest of your message, but this sentence
 in my experience thit is not so.

I often wondered about what gets to be shown in recent contributions and what doesn’t.
The rule we know is that when a moderator edits your translation, you don’t lose your sub count, and the sub still shows. And it shows as it was originally, not the edited version. Which is fortunate, because other moderators looking at your work can establish if you’re good enough etc.
If you edit your subtitle yourself, then both versions are shown in Recent Contributions. Although I assume it still counts as one sub.

Test 1: subber edits herself
I had a look at an edited sub in one of the series I moderate. Here are the two versions the subber herself made. The first one in the bottom and the revised on top.

So far so good. We established that if she edits herself, both versions will show. I have encountered this many times, so I knew it already.
What if I, the moderator, edit her sub? Will something change in her Recent Contributions page?

Test 2: moderator edits subber’s sub

Here I edited her sub adding -nim after the person’s name. See it in Subtitle Editor.

But in her Recent Contributions page it only shows the one she made, not my edit.

I’m very glad about that, because it means that we can go and take a peek at new people’s subs to decide whether they are good or not.

Test 3: moderator edits herself

There is a series where I am CM and segmenter, so I made a new segment somewhere (hoping nobody is watching right now), and wrote
“test sub”.
I saved, and looked at my recent contributions. It was there all right.

Then I went back to Segment Timer and edited, writing “test sub changed” and saved.

Back to Recent Contributions, refreshed the page. The new change wasn’t there. Only the original sub

Back to S.E. Another edit and save

Back to Recent Contributions, refreshing page. The new change wasn’t there. Just the first subtitle, “test sub” (I"m not including a picture, it is always the same, just the timing shows “7 minutes ago” I assumed it just needs some time to show up.
In Segment Timer, I finally deleted the extra segment, saved and closed.

After ten minutes or so, all my changes showed in Recent Contributions. Except the deletion of the segment.

So you see, the moderator’s edits don’t change the subber’s work in the Contributions Page. You can still go and judge how good she is by looking at it!