What happened that almost every drama's subtitles seem out of sync?

I’ve just emailed qc about more out of syncs from: Protect the Boss, Healer, The Last Empress, and Secret Garden. Not only are audio and the English subs out of sync but the Korean and English are also not in synch with each other.

And while we are waiting and waiting …
There are some changes on the profile pages …

Edit written after first save of comment . What’s with the yellow?

Don’t get irritated as it may appear in French, I have my setting in English, but well … You get the message I am sure.


Ah, so I’m not the only one to have this problem! I had written about it about a year ago and there was a dialogue with Viki staff which lasted for weeks. But nothing.
As long as it’s in French or Spanish I don’t mind much. But when it starts being in Chinese, I have to rely on my visual memory to find the button to get out of it and return to English!

Is this ever going to be fixed or do I just bite the bullet and cancel my subscription. If I can’t watch Viki, I can’t see the point in paying for it. Capice?

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They are working on it, and it seems that 5-12 dramas a day are back in sync. Just follow the link in the other comments.

This is crazy!
When episode is uploaded and segmented on the same day everything is normal.
A couple of days passed and the segments are late magically :confused:

I’ve been fixing this manually but it is REALLY tiring and time consuming…
Is Viki changing the format video of the whole episode days later or what?

I don’t get why the sync could be changed…

NOW, I have to check already completed channels IN CASE they must have been affected the same way :rage:


I wouldn’t try to correct it manually. At first, it seemed that only dramas already completely aired were affected.
Well, Viki is working on it, but since it seems they correct it bit by bit as well. I would keep my hands off for now.
It happened in so many channels, I don’t know what they did, but it doesn’t seem as if they changed all videos in so many channels.
The Viki post that is linked to this topic is closed for comments now … Just found out there are two almost identical versions this one is open for comments
Don’t know what to think of.
Honestly if I were you, I would just report the video issue. Btw where did this button to create a ticket from the video go? I don’t see it anymore … Is reporting a video still possible like that?

I have found the button again, in the video settings.
There was/is a maintenance? AM/PM whatever …
What are they doing?

Thank you. I already left a message there.
In my case, it had to do with them changing the video version of the episode.
There were background songs in English when we segmented it 2 days ago, but not they’ve been removed LOL

I had to fix it manually because we’re now working on the subtitles. It’s REALLY hard to complete the subs it segments are out of sync :frowning:

Hope the maintenance solves the issues Viki has been facing.
Not only segments, but also images for managers profiles are not being displayed at the channels…

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So frustrating almost a week since last update by Viki …
What I really don’t like is the way Viki is communicating, what is the use of fb, twitter and all, when it isn’t used properly.

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The lack of communication here to volunteers and viewers is getting to the most ridiculous point.


just tried to watch Ghost. same problem. out of synch.

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“Giant”, too. Reported it.

Oh, no. This one has over 50 episodes. Should we just make a list?
Are all the dramas affected from the big 3?

Isn’t there a list already on the support site you posted a bit further up?

I take it back. There is an impulse in me, I wished I could give it to Viki. It’s such a long time this problem is here already …
I really can’t stop wondering, how this could happen.
Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up tomorrow and the big fix finally took place?


i feel you. :sweat_smile: no offense meant. still thank you for the subs.

so good to find out that it wasn’t or isn’t me, from viki and the roku app, I hope this does get fixed soon! practically everything I have watched this past few weeks are out of synk