What is the meaning of your username and why did you pick it?

At least it doesn’t sound like a bad word :sweat_smile:. And it’s funny because my hometown is near the North Sea


I honestly thought you were from the state of Odisha, India :joy::sweat_smile:

My username was picked on a whim, because I thought EXO’s Sehun’s dog’s name was funny and the dog is kind of a legend among fans. Also, it’s my grandma’s nickname (her name is Vivian). Didn’t think it would later become my actual name here on Viki (I kinda like it though):joy: I’m really named Andrea, so there goes, mystery solved lol
The 1485 is EXO-L’s birthday (the day the fandom was officially named and recognised by EXO) so yes I’m a huge fan :sweat_smile:


I find it very funny how it sounds first, when he said the name and that his doc is mature, whilst chanyeols is like chan himself xD
i always hoped exotis woulb be the fandm name, but nooooo EXO-L ;_;

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I am kdrama2020ali

I started watching Kdrama in July 2020. And my nickname is “Ali” pretty simple! HA!

Although I love t-drama, c-drama, and j-drama also


Honestly, I never even thought usernames could be this meaningful.

I wanted to use my real name, Sky, but there is already someone with this name so I went with twinkling. I like night skies a lot.

Together, my username and real name make “twinkling sky” hehe.


As do I :night_with_stars::sparkles: :smiley_cat:


es mi nombre real que lo unĂ­ con mi provincia de residencia que es CĂłrdoba Argentina. :grin:


My aunt use to call me Tweedy Bird when I was little but I’ve given up even trying it as a user name, practically every version you can think of has usually already been taken. I default to SweetyBird and because that’s often taken as well, I added ‘Too’


The comments to this documentary about a Canadian woman’s search to find out the fate of her Japanese pen-pal from 30 years ago had lots of “I’m not crying, you’re crying!” (Which I hate now because it got so over used)
The other was the occasional “those Ninjas are cutting onions again!” as a way to explain the sudden welling up of tears out of nowhere.
So I was trying to be clever with having bad@ss Ninjas in the name and at the same time loosely tie in emotions from watching dramas (checking I’m not dead inside).
A year later having watched lots of these dramas and the ratio of romance/feel good plots vs tragedies/sad scenes, maybe I should have picked something else like Cupids_with_hearteyes.


That’s so funny. I watched that documentary and know exactly what comments you were talking about. Of course that isn’t the only video where they used the expression but I always thought it was a funny one.


Sur mon profil Viki, mon pseudo c’est yamaryokamekazu ^^
c’est les nom de deux chanteurs/acteurs Japonais que j’aime beaucoup :heart_eyes:
yamaryo pour Yamada Ryosuke et kamekazu pour Kamenashi Kazuya

Si j’avais Ă©crit les deux noms en entier, ça aurait Ă©tĂ© beaucoup trop long 
 c’est dĂ©jĂ  assez long comme sa mĂȘme avec les surnoms :joie:


foxylady, just a catchy name, frustratedwriter, which I am one, writerscramp, yeah cramps in writing, angelfire7, don’t even know why, Scorpio 1, well date of birth, so I pick & choose the ones I want for different places.


for a “frustrated writer” you really are too sweet
can’t judge the person by the username! :joy::joy:


thank you, and today yeah frustrated


Basically the Viki site picked it for me - 'looks like they borrowed chunks of my name - and basically shoved it at me with a number tacked to the end of it. I don’t like it and want to change it, but I haven’t found a way to do it. Actually I don’t think it’s even possible.

So I guess I’m stuck with a nick I never wanted and still don’t, but I suppose in the long run it doesn’t matter much 'cause it’s anonymous anyway. But still - 'be nice to have the option of editing it.


doesn’t this work for you? or does it change only your main Viki name and not the Discussions one?


Now this is a jazzy topic, genius!


I take it you live in a place that’s always hot :sunny::sun_with_face::sunny:

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I too like this topic. (✿^‿^)

The influence of places for choosing a user name. Come to think of it, places are often named for people.

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Other things to note is it will change any capital letters to lower case and won’t accept spaces but will accept _