What supernatural dramas do you recommend?

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Anyone watch this one?

I watched Orange Marmalade and remember being somewhat disappointed. If I recall correctly the period flashbacks were annoying & unnecessary. I’m sure there are people who loved it though. My favorite supernatural drama is probably Master’s Sun.

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Is that the one with Ji Sub? I had a friend who didn’t like that one and she is a HUGE fan of Ji Sub. I find that we all have such different thoughts on shows. I am watching I Am Not A Robot and I LOVE IT! Something about love between two that think they can’t be together like Coffee Prince… I will add Master’s Sun to my watchlist.

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Yes, it has Ji Sub, I’d be curious to know what you think when you get around to watching.

I Am Not a Robot is good, have you watched Absolute Boyfriend? Another robot love drama, it’s good too. That one’s in my collection The Women We Love to Hate, it’s got one of those evil drama women, if you don’t mind them. :slight_smile:

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Here is another good robot drama.


I watched the trailer for Master Sun - Looking haunting! I might like it. I added Absolute Boyfriend to my watchlist.


I’m just rewatching While You Were Sleeping, I always forget it would be classed supernatural, I don’t recall anyone mentioning it.


Yep it’s one that I’m in the process of watching! Definitely got some intense drama going on!

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Didn’t finish both. Even though I like to watch Lee Jun Ki in general, but I stopped this drama early on, as I once mentioned fantasy/supernatural is not my favorite genre, so sometimes I just skip the drama.

For the 2nd one started and watched a few episodes, I liked Ahn Kil Kang playing a father’s role for a change, but at a certain point the drama fell through for me, you might guess where I left of when you watch it. Even you like the genre, most viewers got somewhat furious where the story was going.

Anyway no reason for you to not try them.

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Je suis de ton avis, quand j’ai lu le résumé je me suis dit : il a l’air chouette … Et puis j’ai commencer a le regarder et j’ai été déçue, c’est bien simple je ne l’es même pas terminer (c’est même la première fois que cela m’arrivais) je crois que je me suis arrêter au 7 ème épisodes quelque chose comme sa mais bon comme on dis toujours : Chacun c’est goût ^^

Orange Marmalade

I agree with you, when I read the summary I said to myself: it looks nice… And then I started looking at it and I was disappointed, it’s very simple I don’t are not even finished (it’s even the first time that this happened to me) I think I stopped at the 7th episodes something like his but hey as we always say: Everyone is taste

thanks maurine_antoine_859

I will keep that in mind. Had to put your words through the translator hopefully its correct. I took 2 years French and AP French and NOPE can’t speak French

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Ah d’accord je vois, tu parle anglais ? Je ne suis pas très douée en anglais désolé ^^"
le traducteur à très bien traduit se que je voulais dire :slight_smile:

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Oh Good the Translator works well! So GREAT! Keep Commenting. Follow me on my collections! I’d love that. They are posted above…

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Avec plaisir ^^ pareil pour toi :slight_smile:

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I think we didn’t mention this one here

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**OK! Guys! I compiled them into one collection. It will take me a while to review. But follow if you like!**:purple_heart: FOLLOW ME!