Why can't segmenters secure their QC status?

The way I read it, “this” refers to the fact that our QC status can be reversed as a result of our segments being deleted, not to the deleting itself.

All segmenters know that there is always a chance that some of their work gets lost for one reason or another. But that doesn’t mean that they should have to renew their QC status several times. QC status renewal should be just like badges: once the badge is there, it stays, even if you lose some of the contributions that helped you get it. No one takes your badge away (and I’m not talking about abuse, here). And no one should take your QC status away, either. Once you have renewed it, it should stay that way until it’s time to renew it again.
Of course, this issue can only be resolved by Viki itself. I don’t think anyone is blaming the CSs here.


Aren’t you one of them? :sweat_smile:


This is exactly what I meant.


I find it interesting that a segmenter’s QC status is taken away by the system when I guess the count of recent contributions after prior QC renewal drops to less than 500 but I have seen viki take away all of the subbing contributions of abusers who plagiarized wholesale from other sites but yet the QC statua remained and was not automatically removed by the system.

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That is really strange… :thinking:

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They started paying $$$$ to the segmenters? How much? I’m just curious.

No, @tourmaline was talking about the number of contributions we get by adjusting segments, not about money. We’re not earning money for doing/adjusting segments.


I’m a segging slacker/snail :laughing:

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Nooooooooo, you are one of us! :family:


Being a segger isn’t about how fast you are it’s about you trying your best, and that’s why you are a segger.


So what about subbers/editors who have worked on a drama that has been removed completely from Viki? Old dramas/movies which have lost their license etc.? I have many of those. It doesn’t seem to affect our contributions either - at least I think? That seems to confirm what you say about abusers.
Or maybe…
The dramas and films didn’t really disappear, it’s just that we don’t see them because they lost their license. But Viki keeps them somewhere on the server, in case the license is bought again.
I am saying that because once Viki staff told me that they keep our subs from content that lost its license. And both you and I have seen projects licensed again and our subs magically reappear. It happened with Beethoven Virus, for instance. So they do keep backup of everything.


I think they do keep backups of media for which they have lost the license. But as part of the SNAFU, sometimes when viki gets a 2nd license for the old drama, they recruit for a new channel manager! I have had to write to them several times to tell them who was the channel manager before in ignorance they appoint a new manager for something many of us worked on years before. I guess when they save the video with the subtitle files, they didn’t keep team information.


You are right. When you need to renew your QC status, segmenting is completely useless. Your hard work just gets mass-deleted so that you never even reach the 500 in the first place.

And it’s not even the CS. Another segmenter is brutally deleting other people’s segments! That’s it! I’m leaving that show! If this is being tolerated, then they won’t see me again. :rage:


But how’s that possible? Have you talked to the CS?


Not yet. Not sure if I should…

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Sure you should. Only the CS is aloud to delete segments


I would talk to the CS, if I was working on a series and someone mass deleted mine and others segments. I think the CS would want to know about that


I can say this is still happening. Ive lost 144 over the past 2 days. Looking at my contribution history though it seems to be mass deletion from the ninja academy.

Segments on training channel videos for Segging Academy are deleted after a while so we can use again the videos. It’s normal, otherwise we would run out of videos for future students.


On the one hand thats understandable. On the other its terribly frustrating to lose those numbers before getting QC status only to have to redo it all through no fault of your own. I am up to 500 lost so far and i havent even gotten to QC once.