Why is viki app a hot mess?

The viki app had some issues after their newest updates but i see that after a few concerns they tried to fix said issues. problem is is that they essentially went back to the way it was before the update minus the new starry screen (it goes straight to next episode like it did before). now i understand that some may like that feature but as i watch nothing but streaming services i like what EVERY other streaming service does which is either stop automatically after each episode (netflix,DF,amazon,et.) or give you the option to shut it off (hulu,crackle,etc.) i enjoy this option so when viki finally decided to go with this style of viewing i was happy. then after many (rightful) complaints that it kicked you back to the home page instead of kicking you back to the show’s page they tried to fix it. the problem is instead of fixing it they just went back to the old way it was. now i have a new problem because now the website doesn’t keep track of which episodes i have “watched” so i have to mentally try to remember every show i watch and where i left off. so my question is two fold…why did they bother with an update if they were just going to go back the original version and why did they take away the “watched” tag on the episodes?


. . .those first few moments before the App says. . . Rakuten Viki

I want it back! The starry :milky_way: sky, night view

Now it’s just plain :blue_heart: blue, and not a hue of blue I
l :heart:ve ʕಠ_ಠʔ give it back! (╭☞•́⍛•̀)╭☞ :milky_way: :frowning_woman:t5:‍♀


That, dear friend, is the ocean of dreams. The Ocean of Dreams.



Who else wants the :milky_way: starry :milky_way: view back?
ಠಿヮಠ(✧Д✧)→ no to the plain blue :large_blue_circle:


I’d like the old splash screen back to @leerla73

The new splash screen isn’t particularly friendly on the eye because it’s a little bit too bright when I fired up the Viki app on my fire TV stick. The new splash screen nearly burnt my retinas out.

Given that an increasing number of displays are OLED on both phones and TVs it’s perhaps not the best idea to have such a bright splash screen. Then again it isn’t on the screen the too long, so it probably won’t matter that much


Exactly! (*❛‿❛)╭☞ the starry :milky_way: night splash screen is more eye friendly, and actually makes you want to come back to the app. Just to think of coming back to a blue :large_blue_circle: splash screen drives me to go to other apps. :smirk:
@command_234, thanks for the correct terminology, :wink::laughing::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy: I didn’t have a clue, now I know it’s "Splash Screen" :blush::blush::blush:


They also removed the “Global TV powered by fans” tagline that used to show up on the starry screen :disappointed:



Two sides of a coin
Oh! I just happened upon your thread @adrianmorales.
I didn’t realize you posted about this two days before I did! Well look at that! :smile: Hey! I stand by the Starry :milky_way: Sky Splash Screen though. . . :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Here is another hot mess, getting adds for getting something already installed :roll_eyes::crazy_face: and on the same device!

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That’s hilarious :rofl: I’ve always thought Amazon was silly with some of the things they do in their marketing emails and ads , but I think this has to take the Crown.

Although that does mean, though, that the Viki website doesn’t have the ability to look deep into your device’s operating system and figure out that you already have the app installed. From a privacy point of view that can only be a good thing. :grinning:

I know this is a topic about the app being a bit of a mess. But can we talk about the website itself for a minute when viewing it on phones and tablets? The app and website do kind of feed into one another. I really do wish the website would stop bugging you to install the app every five seconds. When you are on a phone or a tablet the notification to install the app takes up the entire screen and every time you go to a new page on the site. You always end up having to scroll down to see the web page you are trying to view. I can appreciate they want people to install the app, but at the moment there are a bit too pushy. The app is good for viewing content, but otherwise people actually want to have the ability to use website on their phones and tablets without any hindrance as there is functionality available on the website, that people want the use of.

A phone I can perhaps understand as it doesn’t really have a screen real estate to display the website effectively, but a tablet is a different story: people cut users some slack


:100: They are stripping Viki of it’s humanity, not the way to go!



:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::laughing::laughing::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Look what I just came across! :grinning:

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You may say I’m a dreamer…


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Cute! :laughing: Heart :heavy_heart_exclamation: it! :joy::rofl:

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