I have met a few ppl. like that in my life; they were raised in the Christian Church and one day, they decided that they hate church, GOD or anything that has to do with what he/she was brought up to believe in. Since I never judge ANYONE I never asked them what made them turned into such bitter person and blamed the GOD they worshipped for all the bad things that happened in their life.
I have been in those shoes asking GOD why if I believed in HIM so many horrible things happened to me when I was young, and…you want to know something? To this day: I still haven’t gotten an answer. I have noticed that during my fit of anger, and questioning what I feel is a cruelty of life allowed by GOD, some kind of miracle just happen in my life, and my FAITH gets renewed.
HE has loved me unconditionally, imperfect as I am , and I have to learn to love HIM the same way, but it will take a bit more time for me bc in this imperfect shell of body of mine there will always be too much rotted doubt, insecurity, unfaithfulness and on and on…but I know that I don’t need a church, a temple to look for him and find HIM bc I am his temple and HE is in me the rock that edifies me as I stumble and fall and HE gives me his righteous right hand and picks me up…one more time and always tells me,
“My son, my precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you.”