On the main cover page for viki on the far right is a column meant to honor high quantity volunteers. However, the list is automatically generated and apparently no human actually reviews the list before it is posted. For the past two weeks, one of the top volunteers is someone who has entered the same single word in about one hundred subtitles. On at least two prior occasions, a top volunteer entered thousands of segments by tapping on the spacebar at a high rate to cut segments which were 1/10 second long and messed up completely subbed episodes. You do not have to know the language to know repeatedly writing the same word one hundred times in a row is not making a valuable contribution nor are 1/10 second segments of any use. These "top volunteers" rapidly attain gold QC status which remains on their profile.
I informed viki staff more than once using the various ways of communication about the abuse -- by pming staff, by going to "help", by email, by tweeting when one abuser was in the act of segmenting, and by flagging the user from the function on their page. Only the tweet while the abuser was actually cutting segments worked. Otherwise, I have received deafening silence.
To honor abusers and to allow them to remain "top volunteers" is an insult to true contributors but there has been no response thus far reports of the most recent abuser. I reported the user last week and despite that, this week the user hit the top of the chart! I know I am not the only person forming the opinion that this is abuse, not a contribution. I suggest that a staff member rapidly go through the list of "top volunteers" by looking at their recent contributions each week or vikik should remove the column entirely. It is a meaningless honor if totally nonsense qualifies a user.
The reason I raise the issue is that abusers are not rare. And I am even afraid that I have now given the clue about how to become a top volunteer to anyone unscrupulous who reads this post.
On another issue, the list is not useful to channel managers and moderators looking for staff for upcoming series. In the past we had the "top ten contributors" in each language and that was extremely useful.