Beginners & project finder message system

And it’s not just beginners who use this tool. Even some Gold QC’s still do.

Maybe the project finder should just be about finding the project (and not just episode so-and-so) that still needs help and then show a pop-up with a link to the show page and a few lines about what to do to get a chance at working on that project, like go to …, PM … or … Write your message in language X, think of correct spelling, etc.

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I like your idea of using this tool as some kind of info window instead of a auto generated message system.

Thanks for mentioning that even Gold QCs are using it (that didn’t happen to me but if a Gold QC uses it that is even worse because a Gold QC should know how to write a personal message to a CM/language mod…)


ok I feel really bad about this, but I wanted to say this hoping it will help you at least a little.
When I first got interested in volunteering here on Viki, I didn’t fully understand the GRAVITY of what I was getting myself into. I don’t know how to explain it, I was just too stupid to know that it was a serious job, I guess. I just thought it was a fun lil thing, translating stuff to the language I know. I didn’t understand the organization behind it, the rules of the community, nothing. This volunteer concept of Viki is really different from anything we know previously. Somehow it didn’t fully occur to me that I was writing something other people were going to seriously use. So I just clicked on the ‘send message’ option and thought “Here we go, let’s see what happens.”
Only after I actually started working did I realize what was going on and everything. I feel really bad about how I just messaged like five people at once and I want to apologize to each of them for being so careless and inconsiderate.
I think a lot of people think like me, or just want to see what will happen. Or they mght just want the QC status to get the Viki Pass without paying? I quit subbing before I reached QC status because I wasn’t good at it and I wanted to know I have actually EARNED the perks I get when I reach different statuses, instead of just cheating my way through.
So instead of directly letting users get onto the Project Finder, I think Viki should first make sure they go through the Subbing/Segging Academies before even starting anything. I’ve enrolled into the Segging Academy, and the wait is making me evaluate again and again whether I’m serious about this. Making people WAIT is a good test of sincerity.

For segging, I agree, you can’t do it without training. But with translation it is very different. There are people who do this a a living, they are writers, editors, translators, or they are really bilingual or just very very fluid in both languages. Some are just talented, they have a knack for it, so even if they make a few mistakes when they first start, they learn quickly and before the drama is finished they have become very proficient.
You can’t oblige all those people to go through an academy before even starting, it would really demotivate them.
It is the language moderator’s role to guide those who have potential to become better and give them the knowhow. It’s also his or her role to filter the ones who are not up to par, and gently advise them to work on their language skills a little more.


I am not sure if this is the right thread to do so, but I still am trying hard to figure out how the Volunteer Finder works. Neither are there any volunteers nor do I can see a way to enlist myself there (I don’t want to though).
Can somebody help out with this?

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Tbh, I never even use it. Are you looking for Hindi subbers?

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In short, it doesn’t work.
Here is a post I made about how to make it work, on January 17th, 2018. Nothing has happened since.

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Here you can see all the shows that have (some) Hindi subtitles:

You could narrow it down to only on air shows, but when I did that only 5 shows were left and I think you already know everyone working on those.

Yeah! I now know everyone in Hindi community (almost)
I just asked out of curiousity :sweat_smile:
I guess, no progress was made ever for Volunteer Finder.

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You could also ask other Hindi moderators whether they could recommend anyone.
And of course keep an eye on the subtitle thread, where fresh Hindi volunteers might be looking for you.


Guys, Can I contribute as an English Editor? I am sort of a content writer+ have a master’s degree in English Literature. If you guys guide me, I think I will perform well. I’d love to learn the nuances of English as a language.


Bonjour, je recherche des traducteurs anglais/français pour un drame historique chinois qui s’appelle « A Lifetime Love ». Je recherche des personnes expérimentés avec minimum 4000 ou 5000 sous-titres à leur actif.
N’hésitez pas à m’envoyer des candidatures.

Mon profil :
Le drame :

Hola, soy principiante hace algunos años atrás segmente videos cuando todavía no existían herramientas tan sofisticadas como ahora, la verdad era muy difícil. Llegue aqui porque estudio Chino mandarín y cultura china en Chile. Para adquirir experiencia en el lenguajes y aprender de su cultura a través de sus series, las cuales me gustan mucho. Mi idioma chino es muy básico de momento por eso decidí ser voluntaria de segmentación y como es algo que ya conozco no se me haría difícil, Pero veo que la mayoría tiene reclamos con los nuevos, que mal!. Me gustaría saber por donde empiezo para poder ingresar a un proyecto de preferencia que no este al aire. Ingrese a una lista de espera en la academia pero nose si solo debo esperar, Tampoco quiero molestar a los moderadores a cada rato, intento ser muy amable para ser el menor problema posible. Mis horarios son los fin de semana 3 horas los sábados y 3 horas los domingos, a veces podre mas tiempo pero no me comprometo a mas porque es lo que puedo cumplir sin problema. Ojala me puedan ayudar por donde empezar. Muchas gracias y valoro mucho su trabajo son increíbles!!! permiten que mas personas puedan ver las series traducidos en muchos idiomas :slight_smile:

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Try to search the Discussions next time :wink:

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Siento mucho que estás atravesando por este dilema. Solo te pido que sigas molestando un poco más a las moderadoras de Español, pues solo así quizás podrás lograr algo. Ahí te dejo varios links del perfil de las que siento te podrán responder con respeto y prontitud. Te deseo toda la suerte del mundo porque la vas a necesitar ya que los equipos de Español y Chino ya son bastante amplios y siempre están ‘‘llenos-completos-cerrados.’’ Pero no pierdes nada con seguir tratando. Estas son moderadoras que en mi opinion personal son muy serviciales y se tomarán el tiempo en darte alguna respuesta o ayuda. SUERTE!

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Muchas gracias por tu palabras :slight_smile:
escribire a las moderadoras gracias !!!
seguiré intentando :slight_smile: :+1:t2:


Muchas gracias por tus palabras :slight_smile:
escribire a las moderadoras gracias!!!
seguiré intentando :slight_smile: :+1:t2:

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Hi, I’d suggest you to open a French thread for finding translators for your projects because this thread here is about something else.


Hum, I got It. I’m a beginer here and I don’t get any project. Now I know the reason. But it’s ok, I won’t give up. That said: I’m a Brazilian and I’m avalaible to Join a corageous Team. Kkk
Beijos e abraços.

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