I’d like to have a thread for those people who work with English. Captioners and English editors.
So they can offer their services and find projects.
I’m interested in reviewing English subtitles (I do a large amount of proofreading professionally.)
Fluent in English, I can help in editing English subtitles (grammar, spelling, etc.) in k-dramas, variety shows or anything else.
I am a new volunteer but I transcribe and edit for a living. I would really appreciate an opportunity to be a contributor, and since I only speak English I am looking for an opportunity to get started.
@doublebass (Oct '17)
Experienced English Editor looking for projects. Please send me a PM if your project needs an Editor. I am a Ninja grad, QC and PS. I am a grammar editor (I clean up subtitles after the translation editor finishes his/her work).
(irmar’s note: I’ve worked with her repeatedly, so not new anymore. She’s excellent, easy to work with and a very sweet person too)
I would also like to offer my services as an English editor. I have no experience but I’m keen to learn the ropes. I’m a school librarian currently doing my Master of Information Services. I have done a number of writing courses as I also write copy for educational marketing channels (and write short stories for my own amusement).
(her message is from 2018)
Hi! I’m interested in joining the team, either as an English editor or a French subber. I’m fluent in both languages and currently doing a Masters in translation.
(Message written January 2019)
I can help out. I am a retired College Prof. Just instruct me on how to do it
This is my document with subbing and editing guidelines most of us use here at Viki. There may be variations in individual teams (the spelling conventions, the use of italics and the square brackets and the musical notes for live singing), it will depend on the Chief Editor so don’t take it as something 100% endorsed by everyone. But I think it’s a good starting point. anyway.
Korean reference spreadsheet
Here you will find many useful terms and their meaning: kinship, office rank, food, school, academic, army and police, historical, insults etc.
(Some of them might not need them anymore. You have to ask)
Please, channel managers, post your requirements below and I will update the info here.
- https://discussions.viki.com/t/j-drama-your-home-is-my-business-looking-for-english-editors-language-moderators/21226/3
- https://discussions.viki.com/t/urgent-english-editors-needed/22048
- https://discussions.viki.com/t/k-drama-english-editors-needed-for-the-man-who-cant-get-married/20947/12
- https://www.viki.com/movies/3825c-harrison-montgomery