Funny subbing mistakes

I agree that it is always regrettable when some happens, as I am a great lover of local flavor. But some of the local flavor gets lots in many other cases, for instance when they overdo slang when it wasn’t there, or they exaggerate the profanity when it wasn’t that bad in the original. At least here it’s for a good cause.


You’re absolutely right.


I come to this thread every once in a while, because it’s such a laugh (Thanks, OP!), but so far I haven’t had anything to contribute myself. I FINALLY DO, WHICH IS WHY I’M HERE AGAIN!

I don’t have a screenshot, but I remember the line word for word, because it really made me laugh.

This drama is not on Viki at the moment, but this particular line just fits so perfectly with this thread.

Anyway, let me give some background. Xianxia C-Drama drama, gods and fairies, that sort of thing. The main leads go to the Mortal World for some tribulations, obviously in a historical context, and the FL gets the ML drunk, like absolutely I-Don’t-Know-Where-I-Am plastered. The ML goes outside and the FL comes out of the house. He’s all tipsy and saying nonsense and thus follows the greatest line I have ever seen…

“You’re absolutely hammered.”

Anyway, I thought I’d share so we could all laugh good-naturedly together. Also, I love that every language has this hilarious modern-day slang for getting drunk that we don’t think much about until we see it in this context. :joy:


The subber is probably a Korean-American or an American since “divvy up” is pretty common in the US. I would think the editor would change it though.


Not a mistake per se, but we have some very British presubs in this historical Chinese drama lol

and this one is just funny


Look, a subber with a strong opinion. (The word means wh*re in Polish according to Google translate)


I heard that many years ago some people were leaving their opinions in the subtitles, but this is funny.
I wonder why noone has noticed it yet :smiley:
(google translate was right about that word)


Oh, so you haven’t seen those, yet!


I’ve seen one in the OL subs from one of the older dramas where there was a repeating scene (but they really overdid it with the repetitions of that particular flashback) where the translator had written “If I have to translate this line one more time…” in brackets. I had to pause it to laugh. :joy:


@my_happy_place @manganese @lutra

‘divvy’ is quite an old word, it seems. which is why I had to doublecheck its meaning and it seems it’s not slang

According to the Oxford English learners dictionary (GB) . The word originates from the 19th-century and is actually an abbreviation of ‘dividend’ so in that context to divvy up means to give someone their share of something. A modern day an example of this is when shareholders are given a dividend, i.e. their share of company profits.

in the modern context could also literally mean to divide something between people like a restaurant bill or a family sized desert.

But ‘divvy’ is not slang but is rather an abbreviation


Thank you so much for making this clear. Lately, here at RViki some people want to call everything they see in a sentence; as a slang’ word when is not. But what I hate the most is when I see them in Asian dramas coming out of the mouth of an elderly person or even an aristocrat lady; that’s what many call a funny subbing mistake, and I call it a disgrace to see in the subtitles here at Rviki.


“Hey, rip him apart!” translated into “Hej, rozebrać go!” which means “Take his clothes off” lol
Just not this kind of a movie XD


Not just the word order but the tense. An error that has gotten far too common…