QC Gift Winter 2023

There is an option, you have to use it in the stores that Viki sent you.


Gift card you chose does not expire immediately but in a few years, let’s say that the chart you chose would expire in 2034, if I calculated correctly. :wink:
If you cash it in this year. If you do it next year it will be 2035.


Thanks! :smile:

Thank you! If I understood you correctly, it’s only for a specific list of Viki-approved stores? I just wanted to double check how it goes because of my country. Since Macedonia is small, sometimes some stores don’t have us on the delivery list, so I was wondering if that’s the case, if I could also use it in a random store of my choice. :smile:


I once only used my voucher a year later because I wasn’t able to use it in many stores as they claimed it would. If I’m not mistaken you redeem it for a voucher of choice and then it will say when it expires.


I chose the visa gift card. They are distributed by this site:

I think there aren’t any limitations on where to spend, just maybe some shops/sites might not accept this payment method?


So it seems most people received the digital cards.
I hope the ones who receive the physical gift keep us updated when they receive theirs :smiley:.


For the gift card, I think the expiration date varies depending on which card you select. That said, I believe none of the gift cards expire immediately. They are all good for a year at least. The gift cards options depend on what country you live in. The options you can select are tailored to where you live.



Hi guys!
I chose VISA prepaid card but I can’t use it. I tried to type details from the card but every time I use it, it’s rejected. Is anybody having the same problem?


You can also take a CB Visa, but I have never taken it, so I don’t know how is that card used. some had problems with that card because they could not pay with it.Maybe you will have better luck. :wink:


Thanks, guys! I really appreciate the explanations and help. :heart:


@brendas As far as I understand, they did not receive this message to be able to accept or decline the gift.
[Viki Community Team] :gift: 2023 Year-End QC Gift – Gift Form:
I didn’t get this message for last year’s gift, and the year before last I did.


Yeah, just with the mastercard option :smiley: I tried at many sites, many ways… and it never got accepted. (And I know how a card should be used… so I don’t think it’s the problem on my side)


@brendas Hi! :slight_smile: I still haven’t received my QC Winter Gift. I checked the shipping address I provided in case it was wrong, but it’s not. I read your reply to maria_lavendula_77 that it’s standard shipping and it may take a while. I understand that.
Any idea if I’ll eventually receive it? I meant the Quarterly winter gift.


They weren’t send out till yet. Brenda said april

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Not the annual one. I’m talking about the quarterly one.


u probably got an email from redbubble. In that there is a tracking number. Based on this, I could follow my package in my country’s post office system (after it arrived to my country and the government started to check it because of the vat). I don’t know where you live, but because of the vat, my package were at the authorities for more than 10 days :smiley:


I tried that. It doesn’t correspond. At least not yet.

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The redbubble didn’t help me at all… I got my bag in the end but I was getting reddy to send Brenda and Viki a DM (after she told me I could).


Hey @brendas ! Thanks for all the updates on this :slight_smile:
I checked almost every day since 2 weeks - still haven’t received the gift card yet via e-mail.
Other contributors already got the e-mails one week ago.
Just wanted to check and thanks for the updates! :slight_smile:


Hi, I received an email from a delivery service about a package and I’m trying to find out if this is a spam message or that this message is about the snack gift box. The message I received mentions a waybill number from Movefast and has the name of a delivery service that’s active in my country in the title of the email. The message doesn’t mention the origin or something about the possible content, so it’s hard to tell. So I’m curious if anyone else received an email from a delivery service/ did anyone receive the snack box already?