QC Gift Winter 2023

A mail got a lot of volunteers today and also a sma then.


Hi @sweethope - Thanks for checking in. We know the snack boxes started shipping this week so it’s very likely that the message you received with the waybill number is indeed the tracking number for your snack box. We’re also reaching out to the vendor to ask if they use Movefast. We’ll let you know what we hear back. Thanks!


Hi @lori95 - I’m so sorry for missing your message! I’ve confirmed your 2023 year end gift card was successfully delivered on March 19th to the email provided in your form. Feel free to reach out to me privately if you need to confirm which email that was. Thanks so much!


Hi @addictedtobooks - Oh no! I looked up your order for your Winter QC gift and can see it was sent on Feb 28 and scheduled to arrive around March 8th but oddly still says “in transit”. Let me reach out to the vendor to see what might have happened. Thanks!


Thanks for your quick reply!

Have everyone gotten an email? :face_with_monocle:
I havent yet. :scream:

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Rather than an email, I got a notification on my local postal app (PostNord) and could track the package. My package left Japan on the 11th but it says it’ll take ~2 weeks before it arrives


Oh, so, to be sure i should have the app too? :sweat_smile:
Last time i didnt get an email or anything either, the only sign i got was, when i opened my door and almost fell flat… maybe this time it will happen like that too… not me tripping, but the package coming without any notice. :thinking:

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The package will arrive either way so it’s not necessary to get the app. But if PostNord is the most used service where you live, it doesn’t hurt to get the app so you can track it to be sure of where it is. Just make sure to add your email/number to your account in the app so the app can “recognize” when a new package is on it’s way to you and be automatically added :heart:


Aah, then ill just re-install the app! And we have some common used… gls, postnord, dao. But i guess postnord is the main :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Hi @sweethope, @callieseier, @kristelrose and everyone - here’s what we learned from our vendor to help you identify when your snack box will be arriving:

  • You will initially receive an email from sender: “weloveyou@tokyotreat.com” notifying you that your snack box is on the way. It will contain a tracking number.

  • Additionally, the shipping partner may send you additional emails or SMS notifications regarding the shipping status.

  • When you are checking for that initial email from “weloveyou@tokyotreat.com”, please make sure you are checking for it in the email address you provided in your gift form. Sidenote: I know Gmail sometimes routes things to the promotional folder or spam. My work Outlook routes it to “other” :grimacing:. Just check all of your folders to be sure. If anyone else found their email in a odd folder, please help others by letting everyone know where it was!]

  • The vendor is working on getting us a list of whose snack boxes have been sent so we’ll be able to tell you for definite if your snack box is on its way. Thanks, everyone!


Thank you so much for the update, Brenda! I will keep an eye out for an email from that address :smiling_face: :cherry_blossom:


Thank you for info! Its a help!


Thank you, @kristelrose for sharing that you received a notification from PostNord as that may be the same delivery service for others! :sparkles:

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I haven’t gotten a message from anyone, but will have an extra look if I get something from PostNord.


Thanks for giving more information!
I don’t see an email from weloveyou@tokyotreat.com in my mailbox, I might have missed that one already, (spam is begin deleted within 10 days), but I received an update from the delivery company in my country (a new email) mentioning a package being shipped from Tokyo to my country, so I’m thinking this is probably about the snack box. :slight_smile: I’m curious and looking forward to the package. :stuffed_flatbread:


Thank you💗

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Thank you for the update🌺

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ok Good to know. I got nothing so far.


I just received a text message that the gift is already in my country, but I have to pay the VAT :laughing: