SEGMENTERS PLEASE VISIT HERE! Some Helpful Advice for Current and Potential Aspiring Segmenters

Nope, they can’t save, you have to delete the segment and do it again. :S

I hope you and everyone have a great holiday!

Oh. ok then.

Does anyone have tips on segmenting a bad voice quality video? Its really low and the everytime i cut i feel like its wrong then i notice that the voice and blue marks are not the same. Is it because of the quality of the video? How do i segment the video and make sure it is correct.
Thank You,

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Hi Umno:

I’m sorry to hear you have trouble with a poor voice quality video. Would it be possible for you to link the video so I could take a look and provide you with the most appropriate feedback?

In my humble opinion based on experience, I would personally turn the volume up if it’s low and seg with your earbuds on at all time. Never rely on the waveform because it’s sometimes inaccurate.

That is why I say you can only trust your eyes when waveform is accurate. If it’s not, you have to trust your ears and personal segmenting experience. Youtube videos do not have wave and we can only depend on our ears and segment to the sound.

Please let me know if you have any other questions,

Segmenters FYI Edition #2

Hello All Segmenters:

It’s merely 5 days before Christmas, are you all excited?

This Holiday Season, Viki introduced a new feature in the segment/subtitle timer that would make our contributions recognized publicly among our team members: THE ACTIVITIES TAB

Let me guide you on how to use this tab to your advantage:

First of all, when the episode is split you would notice the start time of each part:

As indicated in the picture above, Taepyung split the segments into 6 parts. This is the approximate timing of the parts:

Part 1 (RED) = 00:00:00.000 to 00:10.000

Part 2 (YELLOW) = 10:00.000 to 20:00.000

Part 3 (GREEN) = 20:00.000 to 30:00.000

Part 4 (BLUE) = 30:00:00 to 40:00:00

Part 5 (PURPLE) = 40:00.000 to 50:00.000

Part 6 (PINK) = 50:00.000 to the End (around 1:00:00.000)

Therefore, for instance in the picture below:

I’m at 28:XX.XXX, it means I’m currently in Part 3 of the video.

That way if you forgot which part your segmented in the morning or your team discussion comment didn’t save, you could trace back to your record to make a quick note to the team, saying you segged part 3 for them in the morning. It’s common courtesy and respect to let your team know which part you’ve done so they don’t have to trace the record themselves and record who did which part later in the day.

You can trace your segmenter/subber friends’ activity and say Hello to them.

CMs and Moderators could also see the contributors activity there, greeting and appreciating their work in team discussion before your staff are even done. I am sure your staff would be so happy to know management authority truly cares and appreciate their presence. They would be glad to be part of your team! I remember some of my staff once thought I was PSYCHIC before they realized I depended on the activity tab to know where they are at.

You can trace your own segmenting speed and knowing how often you cut, update or delete a segment.

By doing so, you would know your own segmenting speed and where your weakness in segmenting is. For instance, if you update a lot, it might indicate you are not very confident with your segments and your cuts are not as clean and accurate. You might want to practice more on your spare time to improve your segmenting skills in terms of accuracy. Segmenting is all about Quality.

For instance in the picture below it indicates my first segment was 13 minutes ago:

Here you can see my segment was about a minute ago:

This could help me approximate my average timing to segment a 10-minute part is about 12 to 13 minutes.

These are just a few useful thing I found I could use to my advantage for the new Activities Tab.

Hopefully you would all find the new Activities Tab useful too. Let me know of your ideas to use the activities tab too!

Have a Wonderful Christmas!


How to accurately tell whether your segments are LATE or not for Hardsubbed Videos?

Hello Everyone:

I hope you are all enjoying your Weekend.

Today I’m going to teach you how to accurately measure and check whether your segments are late or not by looking at the appearance and disappearance of the hardsub.

First off, you must have your earbuds or headphones on when you segment though. That way you can filter out extraneous surrounding sounds from the environment and focus on the dialogue.

However, for Hardsubs, you also have to pay particular attention between the transition of one hardsub to the next. You can combine about two hardsubs by the same speaker to have a complete sentence. But never too many hardsubs in the same segment. We have to ensure the translated subtitle length is suitable for our audience.

Most people tend to have late segments on the first segment of the chain. Also people suffer late segments between segments due to the timing of hardsub transitions. Hence, we have to account for the possible extraneous factors that could affect the subtitles’ timing. My only strategy to prevent late segments is to segment slightly early (about 0.1 seconds) before the appearance of next hardsub.

To make it easier for us to visualize, let’s examine an example together.

In the picture above, you can see the subtitle box do not appear when the green cursor line overlaps the yellow beginning line. The hardsub does not appear too.

When the green cursor line is slightly right of the yellow beginning line, the subtitle box and hardsub appear. This proves that the segment is synchronized

However, if you see the hardsub appear and the subtitle box does not, it means the segment is late…

Please try to ensure your beginning of segment do not overlap with the exact appearance of hardsub. You must ensure your segment is slightly (about 0.1 seconds) early to the appearance of hardsub to have the visual illusion of synchronized segments. In the picture above, you can see a faint yellow glow to the left of the green-line. That means the segment’s beginning is about 0.05 seconds earlier than when the Hardsub appears.

Let’s examine another example together, shall we?

This picture shows the segment is synchronized:

This picture shows the segment is late:

The screenshot below shows us once again when the green cursor line is aligned exactly to the yellow beginning line at the start of the segment would result in a late segment, where we can see the hardsub without the subtitle box covering it.

Lastly, I must mention that segment timer is often quite inaccurate with lagging Youtube Videos. Therefore different computers, internet speed, browser may result in slight timing discrepancy with your cuts. Therefore, when you segment Hardsub videos, just segment to the best of your abilities and just have fun doing it.

I hope this edition of how to check for late segments will be useful to those who work on dramas that have hardsubs on them.

Ganbatte on your segmenting!


Is this just for licensed or all channels?


Greetings All Segmenters and Readers:

How are you all doing? After reading up on my discussion posts, anyone feeling the itch to learn hands-on about segmenting?

Hooray… I have a Christmas Present for you. Let me present you with Learning By Doing: Ninja Segging & Subbing Academy!

Our Academy was also featured on Official Viki Blog:

If you think your New Years Resolution is to contribute as a segmenter on Viki, this is the place for you to learn the necessary skills for it!

We offer the Ninja Sandbox for training the basics and Ninja Academy with advance training in Segmenting and Subbing.

So come visit us here:

If you have any questions or want to enroll with us, feel free to send a PM to AmyPun.

Please Note - we have a “HOT” Bath Scene for you - sorry, no shower!!!

Thanks for your time and Happy Holidays,


It should show up on fan channels too.

is the learning by doing changed???
I just noticed its not what i got myself into?! O_O
Okay there are so many different channels to learn segmenting. is Segging moon the same as ninja academy?
Totally Lost now!

Ninja Segging & Subbing Academy

Formerly known as Learning By Doing: Segging & Subbing Co. Founded by Jojoo now under new management by AmyPun. Ninja Academy is where you can learn segmenting and subtitling through formal training or just simply practice your skills in our sandbox. We welcome new and veteran contributors to stop by our channel to exchange knowledge and skills.

At Ninja Academy, you will learn the skills necessary to contribute on Viki.

We emphasize two aspects to our program.

  1. Ninja Sandbox - This is where you may test your skills with sample videos and get minor feedback on your work. There are 3 levels: Green Sand (subbing and observing), Blue Sand (correcting segments), and Red Sand (segmenting).

  2. Ninja Academy - This is where you go into intensive training to perfect your skills with a personalized feedback plan until perfection. We will provide you with a Ninja badge as certification of completion at the end of our program. Further segmenting specialization in languages or in genre (e.g. drama, music, anime) are available on-demand.

All students must successfully graduate from Ninja Sandbox training before referral to advance training at Ninja Academy.

I hope this clears some of your uncertainties. Please let me know if you have other inquiries. I would love to help you answer them.


I’m a little concerned about the duck in the steamy bath scene not being clothed. Any you, Amy … are skinnier than I had imagined!

Hi Cruiser:

Yes, maybe the duck should duck a little lower, exposing less skin.

Despite I’m skinny, I’m willing to bath for Ninja Academy. So current and new segmenters out there, please come and visit our page and see if our program is suitable for you!








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Hello my avid readers and fellow segmenters:

How was your New Years so far? I hope you had a fun time and enjoyed spending quality time with your family and friends.

Recently on many channel cover pages, you might have came across a position called QC/Chief Segmenter. Have you ever wondered what are Chief Segmenters and how they stand out from other segmenters?

The Chief Segmenter position can be misleading to segmenters. In general, Chief Segmenters are quality checkers who will fix any segments necessary to make the viewing experience better. They would ideally only need to make minor edits, such as slightly editing the timing, splitting longer segments and combining shorter segments. However, there are times when a Chief Segmenter may notice a segmenter consistently has the timing off or needs to extend segments longer. In these cases, some Chief Segmenters may notify the segmenter who made the cuts and give suggestions or requests to fix their segments in the future. Segmenters shouldn’t be discouraged by these notifications. The hope is that the segmenter will improve rather than continue to make the same errors. This way, the Chief Segmenter will not spend countless hours editing segments when the original contributor could have more easily adjusted their segmenting. In on-air dramas especially, it is very important that parts are initially segmented well for subbers to easily fill in subtitles, because there is not very much time to quality check the segments before subbers need to begin.

If the Chief Segmenter lends a helping hand or gives feedback, please try to understand their position and effort in providing you advice to improve. Just remember that the criticism is never a personal character review and is only meant to be helpful.

On the other hand, it is totally understandable if one (segmenter) is quite “shocked” to get some feedback/advice about one’s segments “out of the blue,” such as when the project is just about to finish, especially as the chance to improve might be limited if the project is about to end soon. As a Chief Segmenter, in order to prevent any misunderstandings later on, it might be helpful to discuss/state certain things in the beginning.

For instance:

  1. What is expected of the segmenter at the time feedback is sent?

Some possibilities of when feedback is sent:

  • In the beginning of a drama/project ( for instance after 2-4 Eps)
  • In the middle of a drama, “half-time” (for instance a drama that has 20 Episodes in total -> so the “half time” would be some feedback after 10 Episodes)
  • In the end of the drama/project
  1. In which way will the feedback be presented?

Some possibilities:

  • General feedback & tips (certain segments or parts won’t be referred to) that includes some things the Chief Segmenter noticed.

  • Detailed feedback: certain segments, parts will be pointed out, there might be some screenshots or other helpful methods included in order to present the feedback.

  • Mix of general and detailed feedback

To sum it up: It is like setting/introducing the “game rules” so that everyone knows how the “QC Chief Segmenter rolls” and won’t be surprised/shocked later on. This is just a suggestion though.

If you are ever uncertain about your segments, it would be appreciated if you ask for feedback, try to self-improve, or seek help to improve so you can provide quality contributions to your channels. That way, you would feel proud of you achievements as a “qualified contributor” and not just bear the name.

In my channels, the role of a Chief Segmenter is to periodically check up on segmenting work. The Chief Segmenter would offer advice to anyone whose quality declined over time. That way, the segmenters would be aware and learn to self-correct to improve, meeting the channels’ demand and standard. However, if the segmenters’ quality declined too much and they are reluctant to make adjustments, I will kindly ask them to halt segmenting in the current project, improve their quality through accumulated experience and consult again when they think they have improved.

Hopefully my essay today have cleared up your misconceptions about QC Check and you would have better respect for their time and effort for maintaining good segment quality for the Subbers to work with. Their work is similar to that of the Editors who try their best to maintain good subtitle quality for our dedicated viewers.




Dear followers of my Discussion Board:

Have you ever wondered what it goes on behind the scenes before the video is ready for your viewing? A lot of work and effort from experienced contributors goes into it before the video is completely ready for viewing. First, the video is uploaded by Viki, then it needs to be segmented, subbed and also edited before the episode is complete.

When segmenters in a channel create consistently good quality segments, the subtitling process is faster, which is important in on-air dramas. Good quality segments have accurate timing and appropriate lengths, but it can be difficult to learn well on your own.

Ninja Segging and Subbing Academy is currently accepting and training students in the Ninja sandbox. Once you pass the Sandbox stage, you will be referred into the academy where you will be focusing on learning particular skills for a variety of languages. This new segmenting program is taught by experienced veteran segmenters who are popular and well-known, currently segmenting on multiple K-drama and T-drama channels.

This is a mindmap that indicates the learning pathway:

We also offer subbing/editing training for English to English, Mandarin/Chinese to English, and Korean to English.

For more information you can visit the discussion forum:

You may post any questions or queries on here or over there and we can answer all of that for you.

Alternatively, you may look for more information on our channel and also post questions in the comment section.

You can also PM Chizzygirl our moderator for specific questions about our program.

Please follow our channel for the closest updates of our academy:

Thank you so much for your time,
The Masters At NSSA


How do you split an episode?


As far as I’m aware (correct me if I’m wrong), only videos on licensed channels get split. (Someone at Viki does this when they add the video.) If you’re on a licensed channel and the videos aren’t split up, you can message the help center about it.

For fan channels, if you’d like shorter videos to work with, you’d probably have to split them before uploading.