Thoughts for you/us to ponder

amen to your last sentence!!

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Positive Quotes

Guxim Sejdiu · J1tSanuary0 1p7ot anst 5aor:1259d P9M ·


A friend came to my house for coffee, we sat down and talked about life. After a while I interrupted the conversation and said to him, ′′I’m going to wash the dishes, I’ll be right back.”

He looked at me like I told him he was going to build a spaceship. So he said to me with admiration and a little stumped, ′′Glad you help your wife, I rarely help mine because when I do she never thank me. Last week I washed the floor and she didn’t even tell me thank you.”

I sat back down with him again and explained to him that I don’t ′′help′′ my wife. Actually, my wife doesn’t need help, she needs a partner, a teammate. I’m her home partner… and due to that, all functions are divided, which is not “help” with household chores.

I don’t “help” my wife clean the house, because I also live in it and I need to clean it too.

I don’t “help” my wife cook, because I also want to eat and I need to cook too.

I don’t “help” her washing dishes after eating, because I use these dishes too.

I don’t “help” my wife with kids, because they are mine too and it’s my duty to be a father.

I don’t “help” my wife wash, extend, fold, and put away laundry, because it’s mine and my kids too.

I don’t give a “helping hand” at home, I’m part of it.

Then with respect I asked my friend when was the last time after his wife finished cleaning the house, doing laundry, changing the bed sheets, bathing the kids, cooking, organizing, etc… and did he say: “thank you?”

I mean a real thank you, like, “Wow, baby!! You’re amazing!!"

Does this all seem absurd? Does it sound weird to you? When, once in your life, you cleaned the floor, you expected at least an excellence award with great glory… why? Haven’t you ever thought about that?

Maybe, because for you, macho culture taught you that everything is a woman’s task.

Maybe you’ve been taught that all this should be done without you having to move a finger.

So praise her as you would like to be praised, likewise, with the same intensity. Hold her hand and behave like a true companion, and assume your part, don’t behave like a guest who simply comes to eat, sleep, shower and satisfy sexual needs… feel at home, in your home.

Change in our society begins in our homes, teaching our children the true sense of fellowship!








Dr. John Campbell
He is a reputable medical source for, and about the virus, and variants online. He collaborates with medical professionals from around the globe, including those with the virus, or variant, and those recovering, or those who recovered, and are immune. You’ll find a variety of medical info on his channel.

A Test for immunity - I’ve just learned it’s a blood test - I think this is a next best strategy.

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These two songs in this post below, are so soothing.

The video guide is from 2020, some are still applicable, but you can’t always live like in a bubble… boosting and strengthening immunity is also important…

I watched Space Sweepers on Saturday and I really do not want to witness or live on this planet with such system and poor life quality… we are nearing towards self destruction, perhaps it’s a natural sequence… of all of it… dinosaurs didn’t live forever… not that I want to sound pessimistic, but as I’m aging I see life on planet earth changing as well… population, progress evolution… machines will take over… think of matrix :rofl:

I’ll check it out! Tx.

PS discobrat says my body is similar to another posting, like which one, what’s happening :wink:
Oh it double posted, this is weird it took 2 min to save the post, I’m deleting the first…

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I’ve edited it to this link:

I don’t want these at all, not my world. We agree. :smile:

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My thoughts/Quotes for the day.
Gentlemen, and if the Cap fits any Body let 'em wear it.


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Today’s quotes. Thoughts to ponder upon/quotes.

If the shoe fits, wear it!



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And these are to celebrate international Women’s Day :heartpulse: :rose:
Happy Women’s Day, cheer your life and make it the way you want! :butterfly:


I love! :heart: :heart::heavy_heart_exclamation: the first two, just :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: beautiful!!


wow y’all did good, thanks for an uplift today




You remember this show right? Dumb, & Dumber :wink:

Well! Let me spell out the irl scenario.
A walks up to B, and ask, when’s the bus :bus: coming?
B turns and says, it’s coming now, I looked it up on the app.
Who do you think is dumb? Answer -> B :rofl:
Who do you think is dumber? Answer -> B :rofl:
Do you know why? We rely so much on technology, we don’t even know anyone’s telephone number anymore, & barely our own telephone number. We need an app for everything, that’s what the latest in technology is doing to every single one of us. :skull_and_crossbones: :wilted_flower: :neutral_face:


I watched a video of a new life being birthed, and had these thoughts :speech_balloon: :thought_balloon: :speech_balloon: what if where we were, was so heavenly, or hellish, is the cause for the different types of birthing experience? :thinking: Length of labor. :thinking: Properly, or improperly positioned fetus. :thinking: Babies who holler like they’ve just been robbed. :rofl: :thinking:Other babies who seem oblivious to entering the world, and are as mellow as the baby birthed in this video. :blush: :blush:
:thinking: :thought_balloon: :speech_balloon: :thought_balloon: Here’s another, what if the reason we cling to life so zestily while young, is because of where we left behind? :rofl:
:thought_balloon::speech_balloon::thought_balloon: Where we escaped? :thinking: :rofl:
:joy: These are questions that spring to mind, from watching all these immortal dramas, and shows.
Ella’s 7th :breast_feeding:t5:
See the birthing :blush:


The sad truth of advancement, you are so right, as a baby boomer I kept small notebook with addresses, phone numbers and Bday’s dates… I have to google today a lot… now where do we keep our “tons” of passwords safe, lmao :hushed::grimacing:! - And should we run out of battery or electricity, what then… we are lost souls… as you said even our phone numbers get at time a bit wiggly… :thinking:

I used to remember phone numbers of family and friends, why not anymore, you tell me, cause I do NOT get to see them (the numbers), I just click on the name or icon on a app… we are getting somehow dumber, even with calculating in head… but some folks use their fingers though, I’ve never learnt this method, I only used my brain, pen and pencil… back then there were no calculators in classroom… Calculators were at work though.

Now check the Japanese art of doing multiplication… could you do this… so complicated… :rofl:

and the Chinese seems to be easier:

Well that’s is a difficult question. As we know every labor is different, even for the same woman. I had 2 csection and 1 VBack (vaginal birth after csection). It depends on so many factors, your body structure, your abdomen, your uterus. There is no recipe, you can only try to prepare for labor with breathing techniques and/or yoga and being fit and lead a healthy lifestyle in general. It might also help if you are physically fit and have a healthy mind…
But why one labor is difficult and the other so easy it’s never at 100% explainable.

As far the soul goes, I’ve been told that I’m a young soul… what that means I’m not sure… but my hand palms do not have many lines like some young people have extremely many lines as if they were used hands.

I’ve read that there are some folks out there, who say that they lived as someone before.
The world is still an unknown universe and we might never find the answers to our many questions :wink:


Wow we are so alike, :rofl::face_with_hand_over_mouth: except I also use my fingers!
Funny, my cousin shared something similar to the Japanese method recently. The only thing I need to figure, is how they account for when there is a two or more digit in the middle?:orangutan:
It goes something like this:

:joy: This link below by @entwyfhasbeenfound, also sparked my query. It’s an interesting watch, you’ll survive the narrator’s ability to speed talk, :joy: if you change your breathing to match, I eventually did, and speed watched a jam packed, informative, and otherwise lengthy movie. :grinning: