First, I want to thank those that volunteer to translate. What a hard job.
There is a recent trend of translating mild cursing or verbal cues like sighing from Korean into the English F word (strong language). Words and phrases that used to not be translated into the F word are now more and more being translated that way in new Korean dramas being released on Viki like Lovely Runner and Twinkling Watermelon. I am a huge fan of Viki’s subtitle community, so I wanted to raise this concern.
My friends and I, including native Korean speakers, are appalled by the number of F words, and other strong words being displayed through subtitles on Korean dramas when those words are not what is being conveyed on screen.
I understand the challenges of translation, and how some things cannot be translated exactly due to differences in language, but the subtitles displaying the F word when the actor expressed another word or idea seems extreme.
A good example is in the Korean drama Lovely Runner, episode 10. A friend of the main male character cuts his hair to show how serious he is about the male lead doing something then finds out he didn’t need to cut his hair to convince him. As he looks at himself in a mirror, he expresses disappointment and the English subtitles translate that as an F-word.
Another example is in episode 12, the father of the male lead is washing poop out of his hair and curses out the bird. The subtitle is translated as a F-word when it might more appropriately be translated as a milder curse word. Our Korean friends have said instances like that are absolutely not what is being said, so that’s very frustrating.
From a general audience point of view, Viki would be better served to tone down the language in many of these dramas to appeal to a wider audience. Many people that I talk to watch Korean dramas because they are more family friendly and wholesome for the most part. The appeal is having quality stories without all the swearing, sex, and violence.
Of course, there are dramas that are for more mature audiences, but many of the dramas that are clearly lighter romantic dramas with a lot of comedy (Lovely Runner (counted 3 so far and Twinkling Watermelon 3 or so) have instances of very strong language that would qualify them for an ‘R’ rating (having more than 2 F-word) in the US instead of the PG-13 rating assigned to them on Viki’s site. Again as the F word is very offensive to US audiences, this is a disappointing experience and limits my desire and ability to watch these shows with family.
What can we do about this?