Want to subtitle? Let people know!


Actuellement intéressée par tes projets, je peux t’aider pour la traduction anglais au français :).


Bonjour !

Je recrute actuellement des personnes pour le drama If i can love you so : https://www.viki.com/tv/36549c-if-i-can-love-you-so?q=if%20i%20can%20love%20yo2. C’est un projet assez conséquent vu qu’il fait 46 épisodes, il faut donc avoir une réelle motivation. N’hésitez pas à me contacter par mp. Thanks !

Spanish and English https://www.viki.com/users/cam_crs
If you want help I’m here :smile:

I could help with that .I can translate english -albanian and I happen to have free time !

Hello ! If anybody is interested I can do english-albanian translations.I have free time and if anybody is interested let me know!

Hello :slight_smile: I would like to help the Viki community, if you need help for subtitles I can subtitle from english to french
Message me if you have a project :smiley:

Hi! I would love to subtitle any kind of shows from English to Finnish:)

Hi, I would like to subtitle from english to german. HMU with everything =)
Btw I already have a little bit of subtitle - experience…

Looking forward to hear from you :slight_smile:

Hey everybody!!
I’d like to join a team and start a new project, English to Italian… I have already a bit of experience.
I’ll be waiting to hear from you, and give voice (words :heart_eyes: )to new heroes

Hi! I woul like to subtitle from English to Dutch.

Thank you!

Hello! I am a Korean > English subber. I’m looking for a project to work on. Please let me know where I can help! Thank you.



I would like to subtitle again. I can translate from English to German.

Thank you.


I would like to subtitle from English to Polsih. I’m hard-working, reliable and I have a lot of free time

Feel free to write me :smiley:

Hey! I’m interested in subbing Chinese -> English, especially mainland Chinese shows/movies that aren’t historical dramas. Feel free to contact me if you have a project that needs subbers!

Hi! I can help with translating from English to Polish :]

Hello. :slight_smile: I’m looking to help translate from English to portuguese(Brazil). I’m fluent in both languages.

Hello! I’d be happy to do Irish subtitles for anyone who needs help :)) I’m on my summer holidays so I can dedicate a lot of time to helping out if you’ll have me.

I’ve noticed there is never many dramas with Irish subtitles. I’d like to volunteer to write Irish subtitles Even if it’s just me on the team I’d still love to help. There’s a lot of people here who would appreciate it. I can translate korean>irish or english>irish on any dramas. :slight_smile:

@caoimhecbh, I sent you a p.m.

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Hello everybody :). I can translate from ENG => French, so if you need some help, please feel free to contact me. I can begin right away.
Thank you !!

Salut tout le monde, je suis à la recherche d’un nouveau projet donc si vous recherchez des traducteurs de l’anglais vers le français, n’hésitez pas, je suis dispo immédiatement. Je suis aussi qualifiée pour prendre en charge l’édition.
A très bientôt.