Want to subtitle? Let people know!

I would love to start subtitling from ENG to GER - I can speak more languages, but for now I’m most fluent in these two :slight_smile:
Been searching for projects for some time now as it’s quite difficult to actually start subtitling on here. However, I hope this will change in the future!
Feel free to contact me if you need a GER subber <3
Thank youu

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hello I would like to subtitle . I’m new this but I can give it a try i can speak English, Tamil and a bit Korean
i have been searching for project to start with I’m sure i can do it .i hope you can acknowledge this . excited for my new project.
thank you


Hey ! I’m Margaux, I’m French and I can translate subtitles from English to French. I’m not new here on Viki, I already participated in several projects. Feel free to contact me if you need help :smile: Thank you

Hi! My name is Dayane. I want to help with the work of subtitles. I can also speak Spanish. I’ve already participated in a project called destiny.


I’d love to contribute in subtitle. As a native Bengali speaker, I can help subtitling English to Bengali language.
Do contact me if needed! My Viki


I am a rookie, but I would really like to translate from english/spanish subtitles into albanian. Any suggestions? Thank you

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@shuchismitabasu2007 might be able to help you :wink:


Γειααα! Είμαι moderator σε ένα σιριαλ και θα μου ήσουν πολύ χρήσιμη οπότε άμα θες στείλε μου μύνημα για να ξεκινήσεις! Είμαι και μόνη μου οπότε θα χρειαστώ καποια βοήθεια…το σιριαλ λέγεται ‘‘Through the darkness’’ :laughing: :heart:

Hello, I just started subtitling from English to Spanish and would love to help on any projects! https://www.viki.com/users/witscpshm/overview

Olá gente, é minha primeira vez na comunidade. Prazer em conhecer a todos.
Sempre quis ajudar no viki de alguma forma, e tomei coragem para me candidatar ao time de tradutores, que é tao importante na plataforma. Por isso estou aqui, se alguem tiver um projeto que precise de ajuda em traduçao do ingles para o portugues, pode me contatar.


Hi there!

I’m looking for Eng to Fin subtitlers to help with these amazing dramas. I’m working with these shows all by myself so it would be really nice to find people willing to help:)

I highly recommend you to go and check these dramas out if you are interested!
And if you would like to sub any of these shows, message me privately so I can add you to the team!
I’m waiting for my motivated Finnish subtitlers♡


Hello, I would like to subtitle KOR-> ENG.
Please contact me if there are any projects-- I have reached out to about 10 people and they all said they aren’t taking newbies.
Any tips would be appreciated.

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Hello everyone! I am looking for some projects to translate. I am able to translate English, Italian, Spanish and I am currently doing a PhD in Translation. If you know some projects let me know please

Same, I am a native Spanish speaker that is new and would appreciate to take on any project! No importa el tipo de proyecto. https://www.viki.com/users/witscpshm/overview

Hello everyone! It’s very nice to make your acquaintance.

I’ve recently signed up as a contributor, and I’d love to participate in any new projects that need English-Spanish translation (or vice versa). I’m a native Spanish speaker and am fluent in English, having practiced most of my life both in academic and work fields.

If you require any help, hit me up!

Here’s the link to my profile: https://www.viki.com/users/xelyseanx/about

Hello! I would like to subtitle English to Japanese.
I am a rookie ,but As a native Japanese speaker, I can help to translate.
Please contact me if you need help. Thank you

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I’m linking the post here, a Czech viewer would like to subtitle in Czech…


Hello! I’m looking for recommendations of projects I can subtitle or caption for. I can help sub Chinese-English and Korean-English. I would also like to help with Chinese or Korean captioning. Feel free to message me :wink:


Bonjour, je suis disponible pour sous-titrer de l’anglais au français. N’hesitez pas :slight_smile: Hello, i can subtitle from english to french :slight_smile:

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Hello, je suis disponible pour sous-titrer de l’anglais au français si vous avez encore besoin :slight_smile: Hello, I would like to subtitle english to french if you need so :slight_smile:

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