Want to subtitle? Let people know!

Olá! Sou nova por aqui e estou procurando o primeiro projeto para colaborar!

Hi! I’m new here and I’m looking for the first project to work on!
I can subbtitle from English to Portuguese and I have lots of time to do it!

This is my profile: lyvia_areias - Rakuten Viki


Hi! I am looking for english - hindi subbers.If you are still intersted in subtitling please PM me.


Hi All

happy to offer subtitling from English to Serbian and related languages .

zainteresovana sam da prevodim sa engleskog na srpski ili neki od srodnih jezika.
Najbolje da me kontaktirate na jeziku za koji hocete prevod :slight_smile:

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Hi! I can sub from English to Italian. My profile: https://www.viki.com/users/giow/overview


Hi! I’m new here and looking to sub from english to finnish. My profile: watch2muchtv - Rakuten Viki


Se algum moderador estiver recrutando legendadores para português, estou disponível, me mandem uma mensagem. por favor


Hello! I am new here and looking for projects to subtitle: From English to Portuguese and From English to French.


Hello! I’m new here and I’m hoping to find some projects to start with. I can translate from English to Dutch. My sample can be found here. I have several days of free time every week and I have lots of free time after 22:00 PM almost every day, so I’m able to translate quickly.


Hi there! I’ve been looking for a project but no one seems to answer :cry:
I’m a Rookie, a newbie translating from English to Dutch. I’ve got some pre-teaching from my sis who used to subtitle here. I have a few sample videos so I hope that’ll help
(i’ll just link the videos here)

Sample video-1
Sample video-2


Hey, @lyvia_areias and @cmccktk_372

I’ve already contacted you in your VIKI inbox. Check it. See u soon!


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Hello, I will be happy to translate from English to Polish. Don’ hasitate to contact me :two_hearts:

Z przyjemnością podejmę się tłumaczeń z angielskiego na polski. Nie wahaj się ze mną skontaktować :two_hearts:
Link do Viki : tricia6869_125 - Rakuten Viki


Hello! I’m translating from English to Italian!


@thompiers, Het ziet er best goed uit. In een paar zinnen ben je het woordje ‘niet’ vergeten. Ook zijn er wat zinnen waar we in het Nederlands een vraagteken zetten, ook al hoeft dat in het Engels niet. Voor de rest klinken je vertalingen al erg natuurlijk. Als je nog iets meer let op het weghalen van je spelfoutjes, word je een goede vertaler.

@happygoluckywookie Ik zie dat je heel erg de Engelse volgorde volgt. Laat je vertalingen de Nederlandse volgorde volgen. Wees niet bang om zinsdelen om te wisselen, woordjes toe te voegen en/of weg te laten als de vertaling daardoor natuurlijker klinkt. Let erop dat de zin pas eindigt bij de punt, niet aan het einde van het segment. Kijk ten slotte welke werkwoordstijd het beste past bij de context. Vb: in de 2e sample video gebruik je de voltooid verleden tijd: ‘Ik ben (…) waar X vermoord was
De vvt gebruik je als iets ver in het verleden gebeurde, maar in deze context is de moord pas net gebeurd. Werkwoordstijden die iets over het verleden zeggen: voltooide versus onvoltooide tijden (algemeen) - Taaladvies.net

Stuur gerust een privébericht als jullie vragen hebben :slight_smile:


Hello! I’m available to subtitle English to Portuguese. I want to join any kind of projects and I have lots of time available to work. Please, contact me!


Hi everybody !

Aspiring subtitle translator here! I’m looking for a project to help subtitle from English into Spanish. :smiling_face:

I can dedicate two hours a day to a subtitling project.

Having been learning English for over a decade, I can bring a strong foundation in the language to ensure accurate and precise subtitles.

Please feel free to contact me :slight_smile:

Best regards,

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Hi! I’m looking forward to be part of a project in which I can help translating from English to Spanish. I find joy in translating as a hobby and admiration for those who are professionals in the area.
I have experience translating some episodes of different dramas by myself as a leisure activity and also songs on platforms like Genius.
I am willing to dedicate over two or three hours a day in a project.
Have a nice day!

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hiiii, I’m fluent in portuguese and english, any project avaible for both let me know if possible. :grinning:


Hi i can translate any drama you’d like from english to french! I work efficiently and i’m mostly available!
:hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

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Hey! I’m already an experienced translator on Viki, but lately I’ve been having a hard time finding new projects. Most of the PT moderators I sent messages to said that the dramas already came with PT subtitles and that they would only do proofreading.

I’m looking for a new project so I can translate or even do this proofreading service that the moderators are doing. So feel free to contact me at any time.


Hello everyone! I’m looking for a project where I can subtitle from English to Polish. If you need me, please let me know! :wink:

Here’s my profile, so that you can find me - chiminie95 - Rakuten Viki

Hej wszystkim! Chciałabym znaleźć zespół do tłumaczeń angielsko-polskich. Mam nadzieję coś szybko znaleźć :wink:

Możecie mnie znaleźć tutaj - chiminie95 - Rakuten Viki