Saying Hello! Running back to Hottie Posse! Bahahahaha! Seriously some of these badges are SO
Even if I post no reply, or not give my heart away I’m on this side dwl
As it turns out, this thread
was actually
ok. But I get your attention to detail, you wanted to reply where the question was asked. I’ve taken the liberty of bringing it back to this thread, in light of the purpose of the thread I diverted you to in error. Jobs for Viki staff at Discussions Below is results from our PD
yes, our PD from The "Viki Original" you haven't seen yet
And there you have it, this in bold, is discourses real position. In reponse to your post
below in bold.
The whistle blower saved you, and others in a catch 22 situation. It turned out to be a very, very good ending. Count your loses, as saves in that regard. So you’ve jumped right into volunteering, and I can tell it’s fun, and a pickle
all at the same time.
As for the workings of cleaning
these threads, filing
what needs to be filed, and deleting. You’ve already figured it, and there’s proof via our PD’s meticulous finds. Discourse is not hand in hand with those who use it’s framework for their subcribers. Viki has to responsibly manage their own issues. Money may, or may not come into play, affecting all users, once they actually start responding to their subscribers suggestions. Including any different kind of questions. It would definitely be nice to have a real rewarding outcome, in the rewards department, for our volunteers. I’m talking rewards like trips to countries around the globe, etc.
Gabsahabnida, Sunbae-Eoni, for educating this unworthy maknae-dongsaeng and for not administering Helmoi-smacks.
Oh! Geeze! There really IS quite a bit of smacking happening over in Jobs for Viki staff at Discussions I can only imagine how much more goes on, on the volunteering side.
[quote=“feyfayer, post:30, topic:29123”
[Kimchi slap]
It’s really not warranted. There are those of us who just want to communicate with fellow fans. We talk about the various shows we watch. How they all affects our lives. We talk about where we visit, where we work, about family, and friends. About the music in our lives, and food, etc. Why do we need to be smacked for such conversations? It just so happens it goes along with garnerning a different set of badges in discussions. The very reason there is this community, is to have all fans interact freely.
The KIMCHI SLAP. I’d say that’s definitely more serious than a finger flick or a Helmoi slap. For sure.
Launching that much of a precious resource at an offensive person means that person has definitely NOT saved a country in a former life.
I actually appreciate the directness of comments regarding the practical side of “Viki-ing.” I truly want to do a good job with English subs in as professional a manner as possible.
If those who KNOW what I DO NOT know refuse to take out the kimchi when they need to, then how will I climb a very steep learning curve successfully?
To dig back into my fund of work stories . . . when I started my career with the City of Rochester, I was a clerk in the Purchasing office. For several years, I was responsible for helping one of the buyers with bids from local snow plow operators for plowing various routes in and around Rochester.
Bids would be submitted, logged in, and opened on a specified date in the presence of bidders. I would record the results on “bid sheets” and post information on the City website.
The first six months I assisted this buyer, she reamed me out every time I blinked. She was incredibly no-nonsense, organized, and impatient with mistakes. She was a 5’ 2" dynamo compared to my 5’ 10" semi-sleepwalking self. But she taught me, growl by growl, until I did things right. She was never what I would call friendly, but I knew where I stood with her, which meant a lot in a crazy government office.
축하합니다! Congratulations! 축하 해요!!
Thanks for sharing this in your
@manganese I wanted to share it with the fans here as well
Good work. You make sure other Viki fans keep awake so they don’t miss the Watch Party they’ve been waiting for all week.
I’ve been there, done that too, but warning, it’s a painful thing to experience. My eyes, and head hurt too much, it’s best to eat, and rest up (sleep).
The moment you realize you made it through the whole damn drama and then fell asleep while the last ep is streaming.
Me, last night hahaha. That’s so bad!!
I told my German neighbor about the “kimchi slap.” I said it would be related to the “sauerkraut slap,” only the “sauerkraut slap” would be more serious because it would mean throwing the entire crock at somebody’s head.
Whatever the offense, if it merits an attack with cabbage, it’s got to be BAD!
…and have to restart in the morning cos you “want” to know how it ended… or you’ll be trying to figure it out throughout the day…
I wish we had a range of “hearting” options. Because some things that raise the level of feel-good chemicals in my blood are just way too silly!
Haha what a surprise!
It’s nice! Like these (*❛‿❛)☞
that gif is so cute and funny!!