[Viki Community Team] July 2024 Updates

This old song describes summers in Sweden perfectly… “Summer is short most of it rains away, so enjoy it the sun is shining today”… :wink: I like the summer but fall is better to be honest as I like going out foraging for mushrooms and berries (in Sweden you don’t have to own land to be able to go out in any forest and take as much mushrooms or berries you can pick).

How’s the weather over there?


Ah - foraging for mushrooms and berries. That sounds heavenly!! :two_hearts:
Thank you for translating the lyrics!! I swear the Swedes are the best at taking full advantage of the sun when it is out on summer days. :sunglasses:
As for weather here in California - We had an extreme heat wave but are now back to “normal” summer temps - a very reasonable 75 degrees fahrenheit / 32 degrees celsius during the day where I live in Northern California. :grin:


We really need the sun to handle the winters (I think I wouldn’t be able to stand northern Sweden that’s dark for a long part of the year and has a really short intense summer where the sun doesn’t set). 32C sounds really hot but manageable, Porky a CS I work with a lot had 40C or so in her parts of the USA I honestly don’t know if I could handle that. I love “All man’s right” (allemansrätten) because I can go anywhere in Sweden or Finland (don’t know about Norway) and just enjoy nature and if you are lucky you find something nice to eat. I sometimes feel so lucky that I can live where I live and from my living room via my computer either travel in my fantasy via Viki or talk to my friends here in the volunteer community.


I hear you, @maria_lavendula_77 ! We are so lucky to live during a time when technology allows us to instantly ommunicate with anyone around the world - and imagine ourselves there with them as well! :heart:


@brendas could you thank your team for this badge. It’s cuteness overload and such a nice surprise. :heart_eyes: Once again thank you! :heart:


Thank you so much for this cute extra badge :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart::pleading_face::face_holding_back_tears:


@brendas all badges are amazing! ThePartecipation one is the cutest :heart:


The participation badge is freaaaaking cuteeeee! :fire::fire::heart::heart:


Sorry, I stayed in the dramas from the past :face_with_peeking_eye:. I gonna to have to catch up with the new ones :sweat_smile:.


You mention Boryeong Mud Festival… well, I’ve been there! Time stamp is true. My kiddo is now a university student. This was when we lived in Korea… LOL! Taken at Daecheon Beach.



Wake up, Vikians!

Viki believes that subathlons, more contribution points and badges are what we care most for. And, sadly, some of you have been confirming this.
When, for years, they haven’t listened to or implemented our most pressing requests, about a more efficient Inbox, a more efficient Project Finder, a Volunteer Finder, and a better organized contributions page where someone recruiting can see at a glance how many projects you have, the completion rate of whatever your role is in them etc. without spending half an hour searching.
Instead they are throwing those trivial things at us. Much like colonizers gave pens and beads and looking glasses to “savages”, in exchange for precious resources from their lands.
“Let us throw those glittery crumbs at them, and they’ll forget about more pressing matters, right? - Right, brilliant idea. That will sure shut them up”.



I did only 4/10 on the Quiz… I don’t watch BL or many modern C/dramas and in others some details I don’t remember… but it was fun!!!

And thanks @brendas for the Bonus badge, I like the animals the graphic it’s well done!!
Enjoy you vacation as well :beach_umbrella:


@vikicommunity Many thanks for this event and also to the designer of these badges. The CM Mentor one was such a pleasant surprise. All of them are very lovely! :star_struck: Give a raise to the designer! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


@vikicommunity and @brendas I’m really happy for Robert and his CM mentor badge so I hope he doesn’t mind me writing this… I think @porkypine should get a CS mentor badge because she has helped people thinking about being CS to step out of the “maybe I could…” to becoming CS. The latest two is me and Linda, we are taking on a show without her in the background next week. She has guided us on different shows and given us tools that we needed to be brave enough.


This is a really great idea. She did a great job, and also you guys on the dramas. :smiley:
And all the badges soo lovely this time. I am really happy to have them all.


Viki via @brendas has listened to us. Because several of us spent time with them discussing what we do in detail they’ve finally fixed the system so segmenters get proper credit for the work we do. For the FIRST TIME I was in the TOP NINE during a subathon! UNHEARD of for a segmenter! and I was just doing a normal workload. I was not trying to WIN.

The wheels grind slowly and we don’t get what we want on the spot just because we want them. The engineers finally fixed the very annoying 429 error that was driving all of us batty. So give @brendas credit for relaying our requests to a very large company and making some headway. More things will come along in due time. They have to work out the kinks.

The stickers aren’t ‘necessary’ but they are CUTE! AND we got one for every level we completed this time! So we did not have to stop work just to get the one we liked best.

I would suggest that you write a document listing the issues you find, explain what your preferred solution to those problems are, and submit them for consideration. Don’t just post them here on Discussion because things get lost here.

One of my past bosses told us you may complain all you want but along with that complaint submit your solution.


I have done this repeatedly. From day one.
First I started writing here in Discussions, because at that time there were a Features request and feedback section.
October 2016:

As an example, here are two posts from 2017
That, I believe, was one of the very rare suggestions that got implemented, albeit five years later.
And here is a total request list:
In December 2017, the “Features requests and feedback section” here in Discussions was scrapped, and we were told to write suggestions on the Help section. So I did that.
But nobody reads those pages, so in 2018 I made a comprehensive post with links to them:

In the summer of 2019, I wrote a very popular post about regional restrictions for QCs.

I also made a post about it here, knowing fully well that nobody would read it there otherwise:

And another one about abandoned projects:

Then, that same summer, after a Zoom meeting with Viki staff, at their request, I compiled a comprehensive Google document with my and other people’s suggestions. Which I faithfully and meticulously updated every year, when there were changes.
And as soon as a new staff member came, I posted the link under their introductory post, so that they could be aware of it.
The last time I posted about it was when Brendas first came. And of course it still lives on my Profile page.
Here it is, in case you’re curious:

But I haven’t stopped writing here in Discussions as well, since here is where people mostly see and discuss everything:
In 2020:

When the New Inbox was implemented, I took part in the discussion under the topic by Viki staff and gave my own feedback with problems and solutions.

Then, to be on the safe side, I took my suggestions for improvement to the Help pages, in the Suggestions section:

In 2023: Project number limit for subbers too

Don’t assume, please. It’s okay not to know (not everyone of us knows everything about everybody else). But if not, research first before talking.


Fair enough.