Want to subtitle? Let people know!

Hello there!
I would like to help in subtitling from English to Italian.
This is my first time so please if you can please help me finding a project:grin:

Hello there!
I would like to help in subtitling from English to Portuguese.
This is my first time so please if you can please help me finding a project


Hi. I am a native English speaker. I do not know Chinese or Korean (I am learning!) but I am an experienced English editor.

I would like to volunteer to edit the translations. Many of these shows have great translations, but others need improvement. Sometimes there are spelling error, syntax, and grammar issues. I am not criticizing; I am observing and willing to help make this great website even better.

Please let me know who I should contact or where I should post.



Hi, I’m interested in subtitling from English to Chinese (simplified) or Chinese to English!


If anyone needs help, I can translate from english to german


Hi dear,
I kindly suggest you learn the basics like “how to subtitle” first. Editing isn’t just
grammar, spelling and syntax. I understand your sentiment. It took me to Memory Lane as that’s what got me into helping with the English subs.

Did you watched before or after TE, GE, or CE? There are different factors dear. I encourage you to learn the basics, common etiquette for volunteers, obtain the appropriate status then move onto edit. We need more experience editors in our community. Good luck in your journey! Fighting! Jiayou!

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Hello, I would like to help i can subtitle from english to Portuguese. :slight_smile:

OlĂĄ, gostaria de ajudar a legendar algumas sĂ©ries, posso fazer a tradução do inglĂȘs para o portuguĂȘs.


I encourage you to learn the basics, common etiquette for volunteers, obtain the appropriate status then move onto edit.

You have been in her shoes too, and it took you to memory lane because both of you want/wanted to help by improving the English subtitles (I remember those days too). You say she should learn the basics? Why not suggest some of the basic to her from your own experience?

Common etiquette for volunteers? Why not suggest links that can help her explore those etiquettes you feel a volunteer here need so much to edit an English subtitle?

Obtain the appropriate status? That is; if she EVER gets the chance to move on and be part of a team since we have a ‘‘buddy system’’ here, that closes doors for many with bigger and better skills but are never given a chance to show their full potential.

YES, good luck @kimanjo_519
 you ‘‘gonna’’ needed if you ever want to edit any work (sub) here. Don’t worry about before a TE, GE, or CE since some say they are so great, and leave a lot to desire in their ‘‘editing jobs.’’

It will help if you can elaborate more on your experience as an editor. Look at it as a ‘‘resume’’ the more you show your expertise, the more appealing you become as a future editor for this so wonderful site. Break a leg (I know it’s good luck for theaters lol).

Everybody, let’s keep this thread light and welcoming for the new volunteers. If something needs to be discussed in further detail, please open another thread.


Hello, I can help subtitle from english to italian! :smile:

I don’t know the context, so I can’t say for sure whether it made sense there, but having thick skin is an expression meaning you don’t easily let what others say or do get to you. So if for example someone would laugh at her because of her poor Hungarian, she wouldn’t get upset about it.


Hi, my name is Gabs, I was away from Viki for a while because of school, but now I want to subtitle again.
If you’re looking for someone to translate from English to Portuguese (Brazil), I am the right person.
Sincerely, Gabs

Oi, me chamo Gabs, fiquei um tempo longe de Viki por causa da escola, mas agora quero voltar a legendar.
Se vocĂȘ estĂĄ procurando alguĂ©m para traduzir do inglĂȘs para o portuguĂȘs (Brasil), sou a pessoa certa.
Atenciosamente Gabs


I would like to translate subtitles from Korean to English or Japanese to English. I grew up in a multilingual household so I can comfortably speak English, Korean, and Japanese. Please reach out to me if you need any assistance with translating Korean or Japanese dramas to English. :slightly_smiling_face:


This isn’t the thread for training editors. No need to twist my kind comment. Those suggestions helped me in the first place.

Viki provides many resources. Check them out! It might help you, too.

  1. Start with the basics, -subbing. Obviously, she can’t start with segging.
    How to Subtitle https://www.viki.com/videos/1167816v
  1. https://support.viki.com/hc/en-us/articles/222711688-Common-Etiquette-for-Volunteers
  1. Viki recognize volunteers. See ranks here. https://contribute.viki.com/perks
  1. Viki is a fun place to be where you can make friends and work harmoniously. If this is what you called buddy system, I love it. Of course, drama happens. You choose how to react. Unlike you, my experience has been positive. If you were told “no,” it’s ok. It’s not because a “buddy system.” Teams can fill up pretty quickly specially English, Spanish, and Portuguese. I give opportunities to new subbers on my channels. I did it on ‘My Girl’ recently. Many helpers earned their first badge and status in this channel.
  1. You should’ve share links specially when you consider yourself experienced. Since you didn’t, I shared some. For more, do a quick search.
  1. The very first steps were suggested.

Much love!


@that_one_kdrama_love @souparnee365_520

Hi, I’m CM for Heirs. We don’t have an Hindi moderator. Yesterday, I added a Hindi subber. Would you like to sub together? If you’d like to help, contact me directly at https://www.viki.com/users/lazarini/overview

@fallenblackhero_130 @irene_fr002_536

I’m a channel manager for My Girl. Our Italian moderator Klaudiotta has the Italian team open. Contact her here, https://www.viki.com/users/klaudiotta/overview

Good luck to both!



Usually, whenever you see weird, hard to understand English subs for Chinese dramas it’s because the English subs are wrong (in different aspects) and not per default because Chinese itself makes no sense per default.

I’m just mention this here since every Chinese drama I was working on had such issues, no matter if it was a fantasy, historical or modern age drama/setup/plot.

I’ve spend much time talking with Chinese native speakers in such cases and even relatively simple sentences of modern age plots could have wrong English sentences up to the point that the English subs didn’t make any sense at all (after the edit was done) so my friends said that obviously Chinese is too hard to translate for non native speakers in a couple of scenes.

(It also happened that the English sentence had a complete different meaning than the spoken sentence.)

In case you still like watching some Chinese dramas but are too annoyed by unclear / weird English subs [here] you could try watching it with official English subs (they tend to be shorter, clearer and with simpler wording based on my experience).


If you’re still looking for a Hindi moderator, I would love to help! Thanks for asking!

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I received your pm and replied just now. See you on Heirs! :grinning:
If you’ve any questions, you may contact me in private.


Hello! I’m interested in translating English subtitles into German and vice versa and need help finding projects for that^^

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